Name: Complete Structure Painting
Address: 933 S State Rd 7, Plantation, FL 33317City: Plantation
State: Florida
Zip: 33317
Mike Mulligan Sr. started Mulligan Painting in 1979 and quickly earned a great reputation in commercial repainting. As the business flourished, they expanded to include industrial painting. In 2011, Mulligan Painting became Complete Structure Painting and Mike designated ‘CSP, Inc’. as their hospitality division. We maintain the following licenses throughout Florida: Broward License 10-PU-17100-X, Dade License, 12BS00143, Palm Beach License U-21816, Monroe License SP251, Martin License MC1800174 and Collier License LCC20180002072.
991 S State Rd 7 E3, Plantation, FL 33317
Plantation | Florida
1011 SW 39th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Fort Lauderdale | Florida